The Board of Directors for Harris County Municipal Utility District No. 43 (HCMUD 43) would like to encourage residents to be extra careful this holiday season in terms of security and safety.
Vehicle Prowlers
Curbside and driveway vehicle break-ins are on the rise. To prevent this from happening to your vehicles, avoid leaving valuables in plain sight and make sure your car is locked and windows are rolled up. If possible, park in a well-lit area with security cameras.
Porch Pirates
“Porch Piracy”, a term for theft of delivered packages from porches and doorways, is another prevalent crime on the rise; some thieves will follow delivery trucks and make off with packages moments after they are delivered!
To prevent this from happening, make sure you either time deliveries for when you will be home, or have them delivered to your place of employment. If shopping from well-known providers such as Amazon, there are Amazon and third-party delivery lockers around the Houston area.
“Jugging” is a term used to describe a form of scam or fraud in which individuals are targeted and robbed after leaving a bank or ATM. This criminal activity involves a coordinated group working together to steal cash or other valuable items from unsuspecting victims. Criminals who engage in jugging often observe their targets as they enter and exit banks or ATMs, looking for people who withdraw large amounts of cash or items from safe deposit boxes.
They then follow the victim to their next destination, usually a retail store or other business, and wait for an opportunity to break into their car and steal their valuables.
One of the best ways to prevent jugging is to be aware of your surroundings when entering and exiting a bank or ATM. Take note of any suspicious individuals or vehicles in the area; pay particular mind to vehicles backed into parking spaces with a view of the front door, idling with people inside, watching patrons enter and leave the bank.
Another caution is to avoid carrying large amounts of cash or valuables, such as jewelry. For more significant withdrawal amounts, interact with a teller rather than using the ATM, to prevent anyone from viewing the amount of your transaction.
For those who are able, using electronic banking electronic funds transfer (EFT) services or credit cards to transact with vendors, rather than pulling cash, is advised.
When leaving a bank or ATM, be sure to check your surroundings and make sure you are not being followed. If you suspect that someone is following you, call the police or go to a safe location, such as a police station or crowded area.
To avoid becoming a victim of jugging, individuals should be aware of their surroundings, avoid leaving large amounts of cash or valuables in their vehicles, and take steps to protect themselves and their valuables.
If you believe you are being followed, or if you are victim of jugging, contact law enforcement immediately.
Additional Home Safety Tips
- While temperatures are not quite freezing yet, they are cold enough to make us miserable; this also goes for our furry friends. When temperatures drop below 50°F, please bring your pets in for warmth.
- Space heaters can help save on energy costs by heating small spaces rather than the entire house, but they are fire hazards. Be sure to keep them on the floor, upright and functional. Plug them directly into the wall, not into power strips or extension cords.
- If you get a live Christmas tree, be sure to keep it watered; as a tree dries out, it can become a fire hazard, and many homes are destroyed by Christmas tree fires every year. A dry tree needs only a spark to light up swiftly and overwhelm attempts to put it out.
- Break down boxes and dispose of them discreetly. Avoid advertising new purchases by flattening boxes and placing them inside recycling bins or trash bags to keep them out of sight from potential intruders.
By diligently following these precautionary steps, you can help deter and prevent thefts and dangerous situations, and have a safe and enjoyable holiday season.
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